Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Luck

Luck does not exist. I don't expect you to take me at my word. You don't know me.

What about the money the cashier miscounted I received in greater amounts than necessary? What about the movie I stumbled upon that I had always wanted to see I saw from the beginning that day? What about lotto winners, good sir?

In one sense, finding a quarter is a matter of luck because it changed your course of life at that moment. But should something exist if we cannot manipulate it to our favor? Does anyone quit schooling or their job to hunt for lucky quarters instead? Probably.

Lottery winners notoriously have terrible lives afterward. This is bad luck. Without learning or work involving their accumulation of gold, unseen evils lust for a choke hold. Luck is something we all should take with a grain of salt. Good luck exists only in the aftermath of the life-changing event. Build upon it, celebrate it; we just don't expect it because we can't. Try and change that prescription and you've signed the dotted line for failure.

Luck won't always come in the form of money. Work to learn to recognize it and form it. Not only is luck something unreal, but something beautiful. There is good luck and there is bad luck including two sides to every coin - for now. Good luck in throwing luck to the birds.

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