Wednesday, May 6, 2009

KFC's Two Weeks of Free Food

From 6:00p to 6:40p, I waited for KFC's newest promotion, "Unthink KFC." I should also mention over an hour of clammering through the clogged servers to print the coupon. You have to print the coupon. Software that is "required" to print the daggum'd note crashed my browser until I had to use a different computer altogether. All of it for some grilled chicken instead of fried because it is free. But that's not the point.
From Cinco De Mayo through the 19th of May, KFC will be accepting 2-piece grilled chicken along with 2 sides and a biscuit meal coupons ALL 15 DAYS, minus Mother's. My mother is a school teacher and has no doubt some of the children will have a steady diet of chicken for the next two weeks. Here it is, day 2, and the restaurant I visited is already choosing my sides due to lack of enough. Does the company really know what they're getting into? Yes, there is a 4-coupon limit, & yes Oprah is involved, but come on. For some people, when free food appears, they see like cartoons with money signs & chicken legs blazing through their eyes. They're printing them like crazy through midnight. True, every coupon has a different number on it but the way that store was cookin', I doubt photocopies will be spotted. Maybe they don't care about that. Maybe they'll bust abusers after the 2 weeks. Maybe they have enough food.
I hesitate to point out any break an employee may receive from an unhappy customer for two reasons: 1. there is always the rude and, 2. productivity is stifling!
I would give you my review of the new meal, but give me a break. Go try it yourself!

Free Grilled Chickenz

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