These could very be depictions of glass, not amber. Materials merely shadow the effects otherwise.
You know those wild and crazy dreams you have in the middle of the night? They always seem that way, right? For example, you’ve just experienced one and return to reality upon waking up. Your first reaction is to think it truly was wild and/or crazy after seeing everything remains how you left it. But, if you immediately record the dream in writing, you may not find them to be so totally wild and crazy after all. This act can be highly insightful, it can reinforce factual events that have already occurred, and it can serve as a source for simple story-telling.
A dream is not so wild when it apprehends intuition through insight. As a case in point, being scared of a mosquito can be factual but thinking about why it’s scary can be helpful against such silly reactions. Insight can show those bugs are ridiculous in so many ways that it’s almost comical. However, the dream happened whether one likes it or not so only a better knowledge of one’s self can be formed from such a review. You may find yourself cowering in the face of fear only to see a much better outcome if that fear had not overcome you. It’s not going to seem so crazy when it helps by giving insight to situations.
Writing it down doesn’t make it seem so wild and crazy after all. By taming the wild and rerouting the crazy, great story-telling comes about, real events in your life can be better remembered and the insight given is priceless.